Ready, set…
Written by: Alli (Producer/Player)
Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash
Guys, it is almost time to share this with you. To bring you hours of adventure from our imaginations to your ears! We have been recording for a few months, I have been editing (with some help from Cas), and the website is almost ready to go.
I can’t tell you how excited I am to share our adventures with you (and a little nervous too). No spoilers, but the story is amazing. Is that blowing my own horn? No. I think the complexity and the compelling storyline is all thanks to DM Cas. Sure, us players help out too. I mean, you can’t have a game of D&D without players, but the shape of the story and all of the hard work is on Cas. And he’s doing a great job. I think you guys are really going to love it. There are so many loose threads that we have picked up and I can’t wait to see what big picture they all weave up into.