Casting Call 2021! <CLOSED>
Are YOU ready to Roll With Adventure?
Calling all role players! Casting Call!
Do you love listening to Roll With Adventure? Would you like to be part of the story? Is role play your favourite part of D&D?
If the answer to all of those questions is yes, then this casting call is for YOU!
We are very excited to announce that DM Cas is ready to start his second campaign set in the world of Ebris! And we are looking for motivated, engaged, creative role players to join our adventure!
But before you decide to volunteer yourself for this epic adventure, perhaps you would like to know a little more? We invite you to continue reading to find out what we have planned.
Campaign Two Information
Campaign Two will be set on the recently discovered continent of Atzakan. You and your fellow heroes are all prisoners (sorry) serving life sentences on the penal colony island of Myrstwaal which is controlled by the Southern Republic of Talren. What did you do to get here, I hear you ask? Well nothing too bad - more heinous criminals are simply executed - but nothing too small either as not all criminals are sentenced to life on Myrstwaal. Or perhaps you were wrongfully convicted?
But fear not! Your future is not too bleak. After 3 to 5 years of good behaviour as an inmate you can become a penal colonist and enjoy the limited benefits that come with it. That’s something to look forward to, right?
Campaign two will follow a group of 4 or 5 intrepid heroes as they make their way through unexplored lands, encounter new types of plants and animals, and deal with unstable geopolitical forces. Though all are criminals, each of our heroes are essentially good people in unfortunate circumstances who have come together as a team of friends to make a new life for themselves.
Cast Requirements
You must be able to commit to 3-4 consecutive hours for a recording session every week (though we do recognize everyone is human and we are happy to make exceptions as long as they are not too frequent).
You must have reliable internet access and a microphone of reasonable audio quality (or be willing to get one) and a relatively quiet space for recording.
You must be prepared to take notes. If you are a listener, you know that DM Cas’s campaign’s are full of facts, rumours, and various interesting tidbits that all weave together into an intricate story. Notes of information your character knows and thinks important are critical to allowing the heroes to progress the story.
You must provide DM Cas with a backstory so that he can ensure that your character has a place in the world and things that tie them to it. You’ll need to provide enough detail (life events, NPCs, etc.) that he will be able to bring up your character’s past at the most wonderful and also most horribly inopportune moments.
Your Application
If you want to apply for a spot to play in Campaign Two, make sure that your email provides us with this critical information:
Your name
A little bit about your experience with D&D or role playing
What you like about D&D and role playing
What type of characters you like to play
Why you want to join the Roll With Adventure cast
What time zone you are in (we are Pacific, but distant time zones don’t have to be an obstacle if you are able to accommodate odd hours)
Confirmation that you have reliable internet access, a suitable microphone, and a relatively quiet space to record in
Please submit your application to
Casting Call Process
Once you have submitted your application, we will get back to you to let you know that it has been received. Applications will be used for the first round of review.
Following the first round of review, we will contact all applicants. Each successful applicant will be invited to join us for a virtual meeting which will be used for the second round of review. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know each other a little better to ensure we’re all on the same page and that we get along. The meeting will also allow us to explain a little more about Campaign Two and test audio quality.
Following the second round of review, we will contact all applicants who made it to the meeting stage. Successful applicants will be provided with more information about Campaign Two and invited to a session zero.
Session zero will be an opportunity for all new cast members to meet one another and to discuss character concepts. It is particularly important to DM Cas that players work to tie this group of heroes together with some shared history (at a minimum a friendship forged during their time in the penal colony).
Fine Print
We are all volunteers who are doing this because we think it is fun and want to share the stories we create together. If you are looking for a paid opportunity, this isn’t the right opportunity for you. Additionally, this podcast is DM Cas’s baby and as such the recordings of the game sessions belong to him and he has sole creative licence in how the podcast is produced.
So, are you ready to answer the call?