Casting Call 2022! <CLOSED>

Are YOU ready to Roll With Adventure?


[Closed] Calling all role players! Casting Call!


Thank you for all who have submitted their applications for our casting call. We will be in contact with you.


Do you love listening to Roll With Adventure? Would you like to be part of the story? Is role play your favourite part of D&D?

If the answer to all of those questions is yes, then this casting call is for YOU!

We are looking for motivated, engaged, creative role players to join our heroes in Campaign Two: Of Salt and Blood! At this time we have an opening for one player, and may establish a waitlist for future opportunities.

But before you decide to volunteer yourself for this epic adventure, perhaps you would like to know a little more? We invite you to continue reading to find out what we have planned. 

Campaign Two Information

(Spoiler Alert: Even if you are caught up listening to the podcast you are not up-to-date with the most recently recorded sessions. Campaign 2 is approximately 20 sessions further into the story than the currently released episodes. Information below contains spoilers about unreleased content.)

Campaign Two will be set on the recently discovered continent of Atzakan where our intrepid heroes will make their way through unexplored lands, encounter new types of plants and animals, and deal with unstable geopolitical forces. 

Currently our heroes are (mostly) penal colonists from the penal colony island of Myrstwaal which is controlled by the Grand Republic of Talren. The island is home to minor criminals, as anyone who commits more heinous crimes is simply executed. Previously serving life sentences, our heroes were shipped to Atzakan to establish a colony for Talren and, if they do it right they have been promised their freedom in five years. But all has not gone according to plan! Our heroes, the other penal colonists, and the crew of the ship they sailed on have all been shipwrecked on the shores of the new continent. And they are about to be joined by a new hero, who has accidentally found themselves on Atzakan, after a magical explosion landed them here. 

Hero Options

We would like to add another good hearted, trustworthy hero to join the campaign.

You have several options for your character’s backstory. You could be a penal colonist or crew member who survived the shipwreck with our heroes, a native of Atzakan, the survivor or offspring of a survivor from an old shipwreck, the victim of a magical teleportation accident with no way to get home, or perhaps something else.

Currently our party of heroes includes a human peace domain cleric, a human battle master fighter, a half-elf way of mercy monk, and a smoke genasi divination wizard. We think a druid, ranger, or barbarian would be a good compliment to the party, but we’re open to your ideas too!

Cast Requirements

You must be able to commit to 3-4 consecutive hours for a recording session every week (though we do recognize everyone is human and we are happy to make exceptions as long as they are not too frequent). We record every Monday from 6pm-9pm (Pacific). 

You must have reliable internet access and a microphone of reasonable audio quality (or be willing to get one) and a relatively quiet space for recording.

You must be prepared to take notes. If you are a listener, you know that DM Cas’s campaign’s are full of facts, rumours, and various interesting tidbits that all weave together into an intricate story. Notes of information your character knows and thinks important are critical to allowing the heroes to progress the story.

You must provide DM Cas with a backstory so that he can ensure that your character has a place in the world and things that tie them to it. You’ll need to provide enough detail (life events, NPCs, etc.) that he will be able to bring up your character’s past at the most wonderful and also most horribly inopportune moments.

Your Application

If you want to apply for a spot to play in Campaign 2, make sure that your email provides us with the information we need by answering the following questions:

PART 1: Administration

  1. What is your name?

  2. What are your preferred pronouns?

  3. What time zone are you in (we are Pacific, but distant time zones don’t have to be an obstacle if you are able to accommodate odd hours)?

  4. Do you have reliable internet access, a suitable microphone, and a relatively quiet space to record in?

  5. Our ability to regularly release episodes depends on our ability to regularly record sessions. Do you feel confident that you can commit to attending regularly scheduled sessions or that you will be able to give enough notice to reschedule?

PART 2: About You

  1. What experience do you have with D&D or role playing?

  2. What do you like about D&D and role playing?

  3. What type of characters do you like to play?

  4. Why do you want to join the Roll With Adventure cast?

  5. The story depends, in part, on the NPCs and the information they give the party. The way the party approaches and handles NPCs influences the way the story progresses and the information the party gets. On a scale from murder hobo to adopt every stray, where do you fall?

  6. This campaign is intended to go for years. You might not stick around for all of it, and you don’t have to, but we would hope you would stick around for at least a year. What kind of commitment are you looking for? 

PART 3: Player Responsibilities

If Roll With Adventure had a charter it would have some key concepts/responsibilities for players as detailed below. 

  1. When you read the following statements, do they seem accurate about you? If not, can you tell us why?

  • I strive to ensure that everyone at the table is having fun and I expect others at the table to return the favour. 

  • I try to avoid topics that I know are sensitive or triggering for others at the table. I want to be part of creating a safe environment for the game. When I hurt someone, I am capable of apologizing. 

  • I want to engage with the story. I ensure that my character is invested in the party and what is happening around the party. 

  • I am a grown-up who can be respectful in my interactions with people at the table, even if we are having a disagreement. 

PART 4: Values

If the Roll With Adventure listed core values for the games, they would be something like: fun, safe, professional, engaging. 

  1. What would you say are your core values when you play D&D?

Please submit your application to 

Casting Call Process

  • Once you have submitted your application, we will get back to you to let you know that it has been received. Applications will be used for the first round of review.

  • Following the first round of review, we will contact all applicants. Each successful applicant will be invited to join us for a virtual meeting which will be used for the second round of review. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know each other a little better to ensure we’re all on the same page and that we get along. The meeting will also allow us to explain a little more about Campaign 2 and test audio quality.

  • Following the second round of review, we will contact all applicants who made it to the meeting stage. The successful applicant will be provided with more information about Campaign 2 and invited to discuss character concepts with DM Cas. Once some initial character work has been done, the successful applicant will be invited to meet the Campaign 2 Cast. 

Fine Print

We are all volunteers who are doing this because we think it is fun and want to share the stories we create together. If you are looking for a paid opportunity, this isn’t the right opportunity for you. Additionally, this podcast is DM Cas’ baby and as such the recordings of the game sessions belong to him and he has sole creative licence in how the podcast is produced.

So, are you ready to answer the call?


A little rest.


Casting Call 2021! <CLOSED>